Readings from the 96-well plate

Sample description per well:

Tidy data uploaded:

Statistical Summary of the Data


About the plotXpress webtool

This webtool is designed to process and visualize data from gene expression assays, especially those that are based on a 'dual luciferase assay'. Currently, two data formats are supported and we welcome ideas for other formats. Users can upload the xlsx sheet generated by a GloMax reader together with a file that lists the experimental conditions per well. Alternatively, the data can be uploaded in a single CSV file in tidy format.
The webtool normalizes the (luminescence) signal based on an internal control. When a reference condition is selected, this condition is used to calculate the fold changes for the other conditions. The webtool can handle complex experimental desgins with multiple conditions and treatments. Please refer to the preprint for more information:


The processed data can be donwloaded as CSV file in tidy format, enabling processing in R or visualization in other webtools (e.g. (Super)PlotsOfData). The plot can be saved as a PNG file or a PDF file, which can be opened and edited with Adobe Illustrator to allow for fine adjustments of the lay-out.


The webtool is created and maintained by Joachim Goedhart in collaboration with Elias Brandorff and Marc Galland
Bug reports and feature requests can be communicated in several ways:


The source code of the app is available:


The idea and development of the webtool is a collaboration of Elias Brandorff, Marc Galland and Joachim Goedhart, which was fostered by the Amsterdam Science Park Study Group

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